Mental Health and Joining the Dark Side
I have psychosis not otherwise specified with schizoaffective tendencies. To this day I haven’t a clue what lies beneath this label and it has never been explained to me to my satisfaction. I do know a couple things however. The first is that this whatever it is has landed me in the hospital on two occasions. The second is that a certain dosage of drugs like Seroquel taken daily make it go away almost completely. A third thing I know is that if I do not take these drugs the symptoms return much worse than before. Seroquel withdrawal is worse than the thing one is given Seroquel for whatever that thing is. Further the symptoms of Seroquel withdrawal are the very same thing as the symptoms of psychosis not otherwise specified. In fact, I do not know, and cannot apparently know if pyschosis NOS is even still there whatever ‘there’ means in this context. This is because the drugs control my brain chemistry in a way that replaces my natural b...