Heroes and Statues
Many people have expressed disappointment with author J.K Rowling for her views on transgenderism. My first reaction to this is that anyone disappointed in an author does not know authors. What I mean by this is that the authorial voice is a mask that hides as well as reveals the empirical individual. Sometimes it is a highly antithetical mask. The empirical individual behind it is not at all the person we expected: they may be a raging alcoholic or an abusive partner. They might be a boring conversationalist or cranky and opinionated. This individual can be very, VERY ordinary compared the exciting persona of the creator. Indeed, like Salieri in Amadeus , we might well wonder why great artistic talent is not conferred on people more deserving of it (like ourselves!). History also confers prominence on less than stellar people. These people become ‘heroes’ and here again I must say that anyone disappointed in a hero does not know heroes. The heroic mask is like the artistic person...