Is Religion Growing or Shrinking?
This is another question there is no point trying to answer. [1] One thing that DOES seem to be shrinking in North America is confessional affiliation particularly in reaction to the politicization of confessional Christianity in the United States among other factors. This could reflect one of two things: the disappearance of religion or the escalating privatization of it. I think the latter is far more likely and the reason I think this is that I am a scholar of religion by trade. This means I am trained NOT to make any simple connection between ‘religion’ as a category of behavior and institutional affiliation with churches or explicit belief in a particular deity or deities. Once this semantic adjustment is made about the word ‘religion’ it is plain that there is probably as much of it about as ever if not more. It may even be the case that religion CANNOT disappear as it is structurally basic to the conduct of human society. Some mythic, th...