Dark was the Night and Indeterminate the Sign
I have been talking to my class about the golden record flying through space aboard the Voyager satellite. It contains, as is well known, the greatest musical hits of humanity. This was the project undertaken by the hard bitten man of science Carl Sagan in what actually amounts to an astounding act of blind faith. What the disc contains is signs, visual and aural signs, and the act of faith involves the conviction, perhaps an utterly groundless conviction, that the alien receivers can construct a context in which these signs can signify. Let’s take the song ‘Dark was the Night Cold was the Ground’ recorded in the 1920’s by the American gospel singer Blind Willie Johnson. This consists of sonic information. Notes on the guitar and slow, melodic moaning. Minimally our putative aliens would have to sense sounds rather than, say, chemical information or, like a shark, minute changes in the pressure of a medium. Music is addressed to one particular human sense though sound DOES make vibrati...