Magical Thinking will NOT Stop Fascism
By magical thinking I here intend the colloquial sense not the historical sense I have discussed previously in my ruminations on animism in the Renaissance. Each day as I scan progressive publications like the Salon or Guardian I increasingly get the impression that progressives (and in particular American ones) have run out of real options for fighting fascism and are turning increasingly to magical ones. You can tell this is the case because they propose that we fight fascism by striking poses or attitudes that have no relation to any actual policy and can have no other predictable result than to reinforce fascists in their mad convictions. Thus, we have Clintonite Chauncey DeVega ( ) who fights fascism by declaring to all and sundry that he is so DONE with Trumpists and their whining. [1] We have Amanda Marcotte who says that, after all, it is all down to ...