Ban the Meme
Of course, there is no practical question of banning the meme currently any more than there is much hope of banning the bomb. Still, as an implement for constructing extremism and ultimately murder no more potent tool has yet been invented. It possibly even surpasses its direct ancestor the propaganda poster. This is because the meme is replicated, over and over, as in the story of the sorcerer’s apprentice. The poor poster, alas, occupies a single point in space and must be plastered physically across town by someone schlepping posters. The meme is under no such restriction but spreads virally doing its thing. What is this thing? The meme manufactures reality and reinforces it by dint of constant repetition. To do this the meme must function like another of its near relatives the talking point. By dint of repetition that becomes simple habit it defines the boundaries of good and bad, real and unreal. This is an especially immersive kind of repetition for interacting with the me...