I rather like the film adaptation of Carl Sagan’s Contact (a film I really should use in class!) because it touches on a subject I devote much of my time to. By this I do not mean aliens but history and whether it matters and in what way. I believe it was Stephan Daedalus who quipped that history was a nightmare from which he would awaken. I sometimes agree. Contact , however, never awakens from history for it does not know it is asleep. It does not understand its own presuppositions which are a-historical and perhaps even theological. The movie, of course, involves communicating with aliens though it does not treat this theme as subtly as the later Arrival by Denis Villeneuve. This is because it exists in the innocent dream time when history and language as constitutive problems did not exist for popular imagination. Aliens can speak to us in math because math is universal for all rational entities. [1] They can speak to us about physics too for physics describes the univers...