Protestants and Atheists
In this essay I will argue two things, The first is that Protestants and atheists are ruining the cultural discourse of North America and probably other nations as well. The second is that Protestants and atheists are the same people. Where I am concerned there is not a scintilla of difference between them. I used to think this relationship was dialectical in the sense I shall explain below. I have discovered, though, that it is literal as well. A great deal of ‘atheist’ discourse is being generated by bitter ex-Protestants who have not changed either their personality or style of engagement. Nor have they overcome their deep anti-intellectualism. In fact, they have intensified it. Other individuals may not be jaundiced ex-fundies but, in the U.S. especially, live in a culture defined by Evangelical Protestantism whether positively or negatively. Thus, by osmosis they absorb its theological categories and replicate the...