Libturds Don't Get Evangelicals Either
Why do Evangelical Christians (even in Canada) love Donald Trump? The client/patron model explains this too and I finally have an answer to a question my sister once posed as to why one should take a Roman history class. Evangelical Christians are paranoid but being paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you. What this well worn phrase indicates is that one may have a justified sense of exclusion or persection but apply it to all the wrong objects and magnify it out of all proportion. Evangelicals think that they, the Christians, are subjects of a global wave of perscution that the 'left' does not care about or perhaps even secretly endorses. There is some merit to this a complaint: the 'left' does not in fact care about 'religious persecution' of Christians in places like Egypt or Pakistan. Of course this fact gets spun in terms of an apocalyptic conflict between the children of God and Satan and if you point out, say, that, that religious confl...