Why Libturds Don't Get It and Why the Working Class Votes Fascist (If it Votes at All)

This is a frequent complaint I hear among those who are not professors or journalists or doctors or other members of the clever classes. I think I have figured out one thing that is behind it and it is in fact pretty simple and logical. There is no doubt in my mind at all that workers would greatly benefit from a renewal of social democracy but workers and peasants operate under the principle that hanging onto what you have, no matter how little, is more important than grasping for more. This bird in the hand principle, as old as Aesop's fables at least but surely older, explains the powerful grip that corporations have on the working class and why, though they despise the politicians that SERVE corporations, they actually do trust in corporations to work for their interests. Let me explain it this way: the relationship of worker to corporation is the relationship of client to patron and as long as this relationship exists it will be next to impossible to move the working class voter to the left no matter what is promised and what is said. The client will support his patron on the hope that the patron will reward him. He knows well enough that the patron may NOT reward him, it is utterly up to the patron, but that is the very thing that makes him cling all the more desperately to the beneficence of his master. The good will of the patron is his 'bird in the hand', the one card he has to play and he will not let it go becasue he has no assurance that there is anything else if he does. Thus, the patron dangles the client on a string, holding out hopes for this or that but always keeping the threat of punishment or outright abandonment over his head. Thus, the worker knows not to vote for a left wing party or be seen with an NDP sign on his lawn. If he angers the patron the patron may fire him (as in the tar sands) or leave for Nigeria or Vietnam. In this he has surmised correctly that if his industry leaves him in the lurch the middle class centrist party in power will have nothing but bromides to offer in its place. So he sticks to the boss and learns the industry talking points (I suspect sometimes directly as in the case of Greta Thunberg) and repeats them on Facebook and gets tons of likes from other shrewd peasant/workers who know exactly how their bread is buttered and, especially if they are rural people, do not trust the promises of distant governments who centralize services in larger towns and cities. This client/patron system was mastered long ago in the Roman Republic though there it was the politician, not the CEO,who walked the streets trailed by a long line of proteges, parasites and other hangers on. It was brilliantly effective then and it is brilliantly effective now and keeps people glued to any crumb that falls from the boss even though that is far less than they might attain under altered political circumstances. This works so well that oil workers, for instance, will equate fossil fuels with patriotism and environmentalism with treason even though they must know, deep down, that Suncor et.al. will kick them brutally to the curb the instant solar and wind become more profitable (as they are already beginning to do). They have a bird in the hand, the patron's favor, and the more insecure that favor becomes the more tightly they are in the patron's grip for he may decide that wind is the thing tomorrow (or not!). This is part of why they are volcanically angry at immigrants and others though, of course, their secret rage is at the patron whose whims they depend on. That is the anger that dare not speak its name. As long as this relationship exists it seems to me that the power of capital is unbreakable and workers will spurn left and center left parties for center right or even fascist ones (the Great Leader is just the boss, the big patron, writ large) even though they are shooting themsleves in the foot (long term) by doing so. I think people on the left, as they frequently do, do not understand the dynamic on the ground. The are flabbergasted as to why their impeccably moral and rational exhortations to solidarity and a brighter tomorrow fall on deaf ears though the answer may really be Marxism 101.   


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