Churches: God Love Them for Someone Must
Some time ago I had a conversation with a colleague about churches. I noted the almost universal disenchantment of congregants with their congregations and that this disenchantment stemmed from conflicting and apparently irresolvable motives. Conservatives, moderates and progressives not only disagreed about fundamental matters to do with doctrine, society and mores but, even worse, disagreed about the standards for resolving such disputes. Each side appealed to principles and standards not recognized by the other. My colleague observed shrewdly that whatever was the case with churches society would move on with or without them. I agreed at the time but now, alas, I see that we were both completely wrong. Religious institutions cannot be healthy when civil society is corrupted and there can be no functional civil society when religion is in disarray. They are mutually corrupting and mutually sustaining and the crisis of legitimation that I once assumed was an internal problem for...