Pastor Mike II


                Taking his stand on Timothy 2-5 Pastor Mike does not believe in ‘mediators’ such as saints or the Mother of God. As I said in my previous piece I have no problem with this. I must note, however, that any group that splits from another over finite mediators will soon enough split within itself over finite mediators. Islam is THE religion most committed to the unicity of God. A Muslim would almost certainly say to Pastor Mike that he puts a finite individual, Jesus, between humans and God. He would almost certainly object that Pastor Mike is not radical enough in his submission to the one true God because he associates God, in his thoughts and prayers, with a ‘son’ or second principle. In fact, if the Protestant Pastor Mike REALLY wants to be rigorous about putting the soul in the most direct ‘unmediated’ relation to God he should consider that he has, in fact, been outflanked on that front. Of course Pastor Mike will emphasize the identity of Jesus with God and appeal to the classical Christian notions of the Trinity and incarnation. God works uniquely IN Jesus such that I come to God by his mediation. Of course saying this exposes him to objections from the other side. If we CAN have A mediator why not more? God is sovereign and if he can work through the humanity of Jesus then Jesus, presumably, can also work through those he dwells in such as his saints or his mother. If you can have mediation then you can have mediated mediation. This is not just a tension in Christianity. Those secret masters of theological discourse the Neo-Platonists confronted the same issue. Do we simplify the spiritual hierarchy or ramify it? Thus, we have Porphyry who (it seems-depending on authenticating certain texts) radically simplified the intelligible world. We have Proclus who aggressively expanded it. These trends play out in Christian theology in the work of Augustine on the one side and Dionysius on the other. Because of this occluded historical determination I no longer think the 17th century categories in which the ‘confessions’ define their differences  are adequate to history. There are more primal encounters that need to be understood before we even begin to discuss things like the Mother of God or infused righteousness. This is true in the Islamic tradition too because, in spite of the rigor of the Koran, saints and chains of mediators show up there too, particularly in the heavily Neo-Platonized Ismaili tradition. Plus, to address the elephant in this particular room, a significant percentage of people in Pastor Mike’s own evangelical community regard the former POTUS Donald J. Trump as vessel though whom the blessings of God flow to the nation. Some identify loving Jesus with loving Trump. Trump is the means through which their loyalty to Jesus is expressed. Divine favor flows down to us through Trump and our love to God flows upward through him. Others who do not seem to believe this have no problem keeping company with those who do (so much for ‘protesting’). This is as clear an instance of religious mediation as I know and if even ultra-protestants can’t do without finite mediators I’m not sure where that leaves the rest of us.    





  2. A pastor who says absolutely explicitly that trump is a mediator


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