I have noticed that J.K Rowling and
the Trans community are not very a happy with each other. I am not a
stakeholder in their dispute as I do not use the washrooms in question but not
being a stakeholder allows me to something that is glaringly obvious and, as
far as I can tell, invisible to the participants: J.K Rowling and her critics
are stuck in a feedback loop. Every act of calling out J.K. Rowling and her
fans elicits a new act of insensitivity and defiance. This evokes yet more
calling out which is, predictably, met by yet more defiance. Liberal,
progressive and conservative Americans are stuck in the same loop. Even some
liberals have figured out that the aim of the Trump voter is to goad you into
calling him stupid which is the point at which he wins the argument. Of course
knowing this does not solve the problem for a feedback loop, once it is
constituted, is virtually unbreakable. This is unfortunate because a feedback
loop, once it starts, will end ultimately in physical confrontation. The
Liberal/Conservative loop in the U.S will be turning into a shooting war as
sure as I’m sitting here for there is nowhere else it can go. Trump has upped
the ante to the point where the stakes are absolute and when the stakes are
absolute people go to war. Conservatives, of course, expect that liberal
pansies will fold and submit to their rules because they are more zealous,
manly and forceful. This is actually true of the Democratic Party but it is not
true of the general population and hubristic over-reach by the buoyant right
will bring forth a reaction as night brings day. They will swagger confidently
till their bluff is finally called and the country simply splits apart with the
rich blue half going its own way. At that point an enraged right wing will
follow the example of Lincoln and the two to four Americas will fall to
destroying each other which will leave the right in charge of a bleeding rump
at best or ruling a country devastated from coast to coast at worst. This is
all what Oriental thought termed karma, the law of cause and effect in human
This war will be, in part, the result of
what I call asymmetric aggression. This operates on several levels and assures
the permanent inferiority of the Democratic Party even when they are in power.
The Republicans are an alpha party and the Democrats a beta one. The first
reason is the way the parties are gendered. Men tend to lean Republican and
women Democrat. This means the Republican party is figured as masculine and the
Democratic party as feminine. This framing is bad for Democrats because it
limits the degree of resistance they can offer. If Republicans go for the
jugular they are manly and forceful but if the Democrats do likewise they are
shrill, bitchy and unpleasant. They must appear ‘reasonable’ while their
opponents storm and rage exactly as women do in the general society. Secondly,
the Republicans (as the favorite of older white voters) are the natural
governing party just as the Liberals are in Canada. This means that Republicans
are free to govern as they please but Democrats must govern as moderate
Republicans in a manner perceived as co-operative and bi-partisan. Thirdly
Republicans are much more engaged existentially in the process of political
struggle. They are the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Democrats deal in
brokerage politics and business as usual. They defend corporate interests that
are as well or better taken care of under Republicans leaving them little
incentive to fight. Even on cultural issues, such as Roe vs. Wade, Democrats do
not have the ideological zeal of Republicans for, to put it bluntly, most of
them can afford to send their daughters abroad to obtain abortions. Add to this
the fact that president Trump may face legal jeopardy if he loses in November
and you have a situation where Republicans will do literally anything to remain
in power while Democrats can sit and watch them knowing their donors get more deregulation either way. Plus, brokerage politicians have no understanding of
how to deal with ideological zealots because they can’t think like them. They
always think a deal can be struck of some sort that will get us all back to
business as usual even though that deal is not there and never has been. You
can no longer split the difference once a feedback loop has formed!
The result of all of this will be an
utterly unsustainable situation where a nation state is concerned for it means
that either the executive or the judicial branch will be perceived as
illegitimate by roughly half the electorate. This is surely not sustainable. No
state can function long unless basic institutions and procedures are respected by
all. This will exacerbate the feedback loop ten-fold for each end of it will
regard the other as thieves who have stolen the nation from them. As for any of
my more partisan readers I must emphasize to you that blame for this situation
is now largely irrelevant. The situation now has a momentum of its own and
debating who started it is now for historians (Newt Gingrich, actually, for what it's worth). If you think fake news or
Hollywood has systematically deluded the people, well, that is now part of the
feedback generating rhetoric as much as lampooning Mormons or blaming Russia. I
know how eager you are to tell me that none of this would be happening if only
x, y or z could see reason or if only a, b or c would stop being a snowflake or
if only there were more science in the curriculum or more prayer but, frankly, the loop is now
WELL beyond that discussion. It is from this point self-constituting and any
energy fed into it will only make it spin faster.
Perhaps this is not enough to
generate a shooting war, as opposed to a political or media one, absent a
couple other factors. The first is that neither side can accurately judge the
resolve and determination of the other. This leads to hubristic over reach that
deepens the loop. Liberals think and in fact literally say that the cultural
divide in the US will resolve itself when the ignorant barbarians die off and
are replaced by happy progressive children. They also think demographic change
will guarantee the same result. Unfortunately, their opponents know this and
will burn the country down before they let it happen. Conservatives, on the
other hand, think that they represent the silent majority of ‘real’ Americans.
They think, as their opponents once dangerously assumed, that once Roe v. Wade
is overturned the pink pussy hatted ladies will go cry in their wine glasses.
They think America will simply revert to the 1950’s norm and feckless and
corrupt liberals will go away. I have talked to enough people on both sides of
this divide to know that this is pure fantasy. Blue America will not submit to
a new abortion regime imposed by a court it regards as illegitimate. Red
America will not submit to losing its racial privilege which, in the case of
many immiserated whites, is literally all it has left. The rights and wrongs of
these, and other issues, no longer matter as they are now beyond the debate
stage and will be resolved by force. The result of that will be some form of
Pyrrhic victory for the right (the minority side but the side will all the
fanaticism and energy which counts for more than raw numbers) which leaves an
America broken and sadly diminished on the world stage. Of course, I doubt very
much that American conservatives, deep in their nihilistic hearts, really think
they will ever establish a generous pro-life ethos in American society. Indeed,
there is ample evidence that they scarcely care about such a thing anymore if
they ever did. Overturning Roe is about making the pussy hats cry and nothing
else. It is revenge, pure and simple, on a corrupt and worthless nation that
has failed them.
The fact that neither side of this
divide can accurately gauge the commitment of the other points to another
problem: to understand the other is to contextualize the other and to
contextualize is to humanize. This is the final turn of the screw in a feedback
loop: people begin to regard the other not as humans with human motives but as
abstract avatars of good and evil. A New Hampshire woman in a pink
hat and a rust belt farmer with a MAGA hat cannot in fact empathize with each
other on a visceral level. Each can say, with the intellect, that the other is
as human as they are but the intellect does not fully rule in such matters. A
nation ceases to exist when this othering goes to the point where people are
simply indifferent to each other’s fate: where COVID deaths in ‘liberal
anarchist cities’ are met with a shrug and a yawn in the Dakotas and the lady
in the Pink hat is simply past caring that people in Rural Georgia live in food
deserts. I suspect that this state of affairs now exists though I will happily be proved wrong
(indeed Americans prove me wrong!). That means that the U.S. as it currently
exists is a lost cause. What then about Canada? Will the same dynamic replicate
itself here? After all, Americans of all sorts will probably start fleeing here
in some numbers bringing their cultural and political baggage with them and if
things get bad enough it will not be moral to turn them away. That will be the
subject of a future piece.
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