The Same Continued
Let’s take another stab at this. People have theories and people have good enough for now theories. One good enough for now theory about religion states that religions may have a range of twenty or so attributes and a cultural system becomes a religion when it has, say, four or five of them. This is probably arbitrary at the end of the day but it is the kind of arbitrary judgment we employ with other fuzzy concepts and it is good enough for ordinary communication. Thus, religion may involve intense feelings of devotion. It need NOT involve this and lazily mumbling a prayer is still religious activity. Religion may involve a speculative search for the absolute but of course many religious people have no such concern and some are profoundly hostile to it. Religion may involve ritualized activity centered on a deity, ancestor, saint or paradigmatic human being like Siddartha Gautama or Jesus. It can also involve private meditation in a forest. As for deities they also seem optional as