Telltale II
Perhaps though I do not give Telltale the Atheist enough
credit. While his discourse will produce no mass conversion of any kind and
should not from its very thinness he is propounding a position and a position is
something around which people can rally. And people do rally around his
position and do so reasonably if they know nothing better. His discourse wins
spot conversions among a certain demographic of the wavering and, of course,
performs the function of enacting and sustaining in group solidarity centered
around the like function and other social media metrics. Indeed, he has stated
his thoughts in such a way that a kind of cult can crystallize around them. This
cult may well be growing as its principles are direct and easy to con and have,
still, a certain iconoclastic glow. Now Telltale will no doubt say that there
is NOTHING so gauche and stupid as claiming that atheism so constructed is a
religious movement and a cult. I’m afraid he is very wrong about this at least
where an ACADEMIC understanding of religion is concerned. You see, academics in
the field of religion do not typically understand religion as a ‘thing’ having
a clear cut definition. ‘Religion’ refers to a continuum of behaviors of
varying levels of intensity. There is literally NO place we can point to, to say
where this continuum begins and where it ends. Sports can be a religion in this
sense and if sports can be a religion there is no reason why atheism cannot be
one too. Or at least, and this is probably the more accurate thing to say,
there is no reason it cannot construct itself in terms analogous to the way
things like Christianity or Bahai construct themselves. Functionally and
analogically there is no reason not to say that Marxist Leninism is a religion
to cite one notorious example. Does it have rituals like parades or solemn
public commemorations? Check. Does it venerate relics? Check. Does it have an
ordered system of doctrine founded upon an exemplary teacher? Check. Does it
police the boundaries of this doctrine in the name of maintaining cohesion
through orthodoxy? Check and double and triple check. Does it have a deity or a
deity like function such as fate or the dialectic? Indeed it does, just like
capitalism with its veneration of the providential hand of the market! This all
seems obvious to me and I suppose no one would bother to demur at the point
unless they thought the word ‘religion’ here were being used as some subtle
insult or put down; as if I were saying Marxism was a ‘mere’ religion. THAT I
am not saying at all and anyone who wishes may consult the many things I have
written on this and related matters.
Telltale will respond, of course with words like ‘fact’
‘logic’ ‘reason’ ‘evidence’ ‘science’ and so on. If one says these words over
and over rather than a rosary one has put oneself off the continuum of
religious behavior. Here, though, is where the analogy with Marxist Leninism
perhaps becomes clearest. Neither Telltale nor any other public atheist I have
heard has ever given these or analogous words the kind of exploration basic in
even an intro philosophy class. Sometimes, as in the case of Dennett, this is
because they are talking down to an audience they regard as unsophisticated.
Sometimes, as in the case of Dawkins, they are genuinely clueless and can’t
fathom why anyone takes this Popper
garbage seriously! These are words of power not working concepts. They are
taken as notions lucid in themselves in their most direct and naïve sense. This
is crippling for philosophy but Telltale and his pals are not doing philosophy.
In a manner comparable to the way certain progressive activists take words and
concepts from the jargon of the social sciences and use them as markers of
boundaries and group identity so do Telltale and the gang. I don’t even mean
this as a criticism. If Buddhism had 48 noble truths rather than 4 it would
likely have gone nowhere. If Islam had not 5 pillars but 347 it would be no
more expansive than Judaism. A social movement must simplify and typify if it
is to spread on You Tube and have a
small but measurable impact on polling. THAT is something THIS author will
NEVER achieve and so I must, to use a religious image, give the devil his due
in this one instance. However I can’t help but notice that to the extent that
‘You Tube Atheism’ is succeeding and growing it is by imitating some at least
of the characteristics we put on the 'religious' continuum. It is succeeding by
means of vivid conversion narratives (Telltale saved me from the JW’s!), easily
conned words of power that function like creeds, AND (and here I find things not
so benign) by defining an out group by anathema and abomination whose crime
sand failings can be easily and readily pilloried.
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